Back Draft Damper Match For Fans Back Draft Damper Match For Fans purpose: HVAC, match for inline duct fans,etc. Material: Galvanized Steel , Stainless Steel (With rubber /gasket &am
Variable Rotary Speed Control Variable Rotary Speed Control Regulate the fan speed from 0 to full, Any speed from 0 to full is available by rotating the botton. Two types
Speed Governor (Speed Controller ,Speed Control Go Speed Governor (Speed Controller ,Speed Control Governor) Regulate the fan speed from 0 to full, Any speed from 0 to full is available by rotating th
Elbow ( Steel Elbow / Pipe Elbow / Pipe Fitting) Elbow ( Steel Elbow / Pipe Elbow / Pipe Fitting) purpose: HVAC, inlet and outlet of vent..Used invemtilation ducting system for connector or joint or
Bend 90 ( Elbow, ducting , connector, pipe fittin Bend 90 ( Elbow, ducting , connector, pipe fitting) purpose: HVAC, inlet and outlet of vent... Used invemtilation system. Material: Galvanized Steel
Pipe Muffler (galvanized steel pipe silencer, pipe Pipe Muffle (galvanized steel pipe silencer, pipe fitting,vent duct) SizeΦdΦDLW(kg)1001002003002.01001002006003.01001002009005.01001002001200